Want to join Toile on a tour of the Mr. Toilet House?
  Tour of World Student in Korea haewoojae ¤Ó 2011-08-28 ¤Ó 2051  

Aug 19th, 2011 Mr. Toilet House was crowded with 'World Students in Korea" : The 5th blogers

Around 30 foregin students studying in Korea visited to Suwon 
to experience the culture of Suwon during 2-day 1-night. 

'World Students in Korea" is supported by  the Presidential Council on Nation Branding
which was established in 2009 to raise awareness of the Korean breand among people
all over the world.

They came to Mr. Toilet House, the toilet bowl shaped musuem,
to enjoy the toilet culture and unique and interesting sight on the last day of the tour. 

Museum gave a description of an exhibition about the Toilet Culture Movement
started by Mr. Toilet Sim Jae-duck and Suwon City.

After shooting all together in front of Mr. Toilet's statue in front yard,
all of them promised that they would come back to the museum soon.

    [Listening to a description of exhibition]
     [Reading the descripion on the wall of Central Toilet] 

    [Smiling in the Central Toilet with transparent panel glasses]  
   [Playing games'Find the pair pictures
   about toilet pictogram on the touch screen]

   [Talking together about toilets]

   [Posing for photos on the biggest toilet bowl]

   [Enjoying scenes on the rooftop]

   [Interview time]

  • 463 Jangan-ro, Jangan-gu, Suwon(Imok-dong), Korea 16209
  • TEL : 031)271-9777
  • FAX : 031)271-9776
  • E-MAIL : mrtoilet@haewoojae.com