Want to join Toile on a tour of the Mr. Toilet House?
  The Earth Day event! admin ¤Ó 2017-04-25 ¤Ó 1419  
Hello! Everyone! 
I'm Min-jung, a curator of Toilet Museum.  
Toilet Museum Haewoojae took part in the "Street without  Cars" event on  saturday April 22.
To make the Earth Day, it was held in front of Suwon City Hall.
Many foundations which loves nature and environment, such as Suwon Environmental Movement Federation, Suwon YMCA, Suwon Ecological Environment Experience Education Center joined in this event wuth us,
It was a really meaningful time to be able to share the love of the earth!

  • 463 Jangan-ro, Jangan-gu, Suwon(Imok-dong), Korea 16209
  • TEL : 031)271-9777
  • FAX : 031)271-9776
  • E-MAIL : mrtoilet@haewoojae.com