Want to join Toile on a tour of the Mr. Toilet House?
We are Toilet Family!!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2011



We are Toilet Family!!!


Two students of Sogang University's Korean Language Education Center(Tanya and Sergii) visited Mr. Toilet House. They were curious about toilet shaped house and advanced toilet culture in Korea. Thereby touring Mr. Toilet House, they were impressed by Mr. Toilet Sim Jae-duck's works. They found out the importance of sanitary public toilet and they became Toilet Family. They promised to attend the Mr. Toilet House Concert of the first anniversary.


We discovered Sergii looks like Shia LaBeouf who appeared in Transformer. His part time job is supporting cast in TV program. He appeared in Muhan-Dojeon(MBC TV show) on October 08 and other TV shows.

  • 463 Jangan-ro, Jangan-gu, Suwon(Imok-dong), Korea 16209
  • TEL : 031)271-9777
  • FAX : 031)271-9776
  • E-MAIL : mrtoilet@haewoojae.com